“The persistence of numbers” represents GZE1 (Ground Zero Evernt 1) .
A series of events that I call “ground zero events” were responsible for a transformational change that now empowers me. In this post I share my personal experience representing a problem that impacts much of the global population. Humanity is slowly being consumed by the arrogance and insensitivity of the modern work environment devouring your time for the persistence of numbers.
By Warren A Leroux
7:53 am – Faithful Day
The morning the mother of my children died I called my employer and advised that there was a serious issue. My wife was just taken by ambulance to the hospital. I told them I needed to take the day off to be with her.
8:39 am – Faithful Day
Received my first text from my employer asking if I could just take a second to update my sales numbers. “Warren I know you’re busy but please take a moment to update your sales numbers. Our meeting is at 10”
8:57 am – Faithful Day
Received my second text from from my employer “Please update your sales numbers immediately”
9:12 am – Faithful day
Follow up text from employer “Warren, i really need those numbers by 930”
9:44 am – Friday Faithful
Phone call from employer
I’ll never forget this moment as I was just informed my wife had no oxygen to her heart or brain for over an hour and that there was zero chance she would live to the end of the day. It was 9:44 and in my mind I did mental math and thought “8:44 am” would be an hour. The faces of my children flashed through my mind…
9:52 am Faithful day
Phone call from employer
9:56 am Faithful day
Phone call from employer
While holding my dying wife’s hand I finally answered the phone. It was not my wifes mother.
In memory of love and moments lost.
Blind to see is the first post in this series.
Warren aka admin
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