What's On My Mind?

The general reaction I get when I tell people that my end goal is to do everything I can to contribute to the betterment of humanity is one of awkward silence, smirks and genuine disbelief.

When I step down the rabbit hole a little deeper and tell people my end goal is to do my part to wake the sleeping brilliance of humanity and empower humankind’s magnificence that awkward silence transitions to something else entirely.

A reminder to that you in the back of the mind. Choose you

To that, I will simply say my agenda is a road that provides me with an opportunity to contribute in small ways to my end goals. I choose me. I choose the pursuit of my passion. I pursue recognition of the moments in life. Things that most people take for granted I relish as earthly pleasures, like warming my hands on a fire, or scratching an itch. This choice of self is not an easy road, in fact it is hands down the hardest thing I have ever done, but I continue to do it with butterflies and belly tingles every single day. I am truthfully the happiest person I know.

Attention Span got your Down?

To those who need to bail due to your attention spans. Here are a few options:

1. Ai Gave me a Stupid man vagina. See some of my Ai image fuck ups 2. I was attacked at Walmart by an intoxicated woman. See how I handled this angry tooth challenged woman – Tik Tok or YouTube? 3. I took video of my attacker.She is now a ridiculous product line. See it here. If you are my attacker you can A. apologize or B. apologize. Your choice. I’m reasonable.

Note to Laura: You know I’m talking to you. Of course I know you’re here. Easy with the Ai opinion. We both know what’s happening. Rome wasn’t built in a day. I know what I’m doing and I’m getting there. I’ve never met another like me. I suspect we share unique intuition, my intuition is “the force” which is cooler. lol Talk to Aii-Warren:)

Like most of us I do need an income to support my family and I’ll do whatever I can that is in alignment my goals, passions and interest to provide that. As such I am for hire in a number of capacities. As I update my services feel free to speak to Aii-Warren my kick ass ai business agent about general information in the meantime.

When It comes to ideas I’ve more of them than I know what to do with. Under what I call the CollaborativeCi umbrella, I am tabling a number of projects where I invite passionate individuals to contribute their own passions to create viable businesses that you will own with me. For the right people with the right mindset this is a ticket to financial independence.

The projects listed below are actively available. I am in the process of updating the content to more accurately reflect a personal choice and slight direction change in a few areas but please reach out if anything sparks.

warren leroux on a car when he was a punk

We will wake sleeping brilliance and empower magnificence regardless of wealth or status. We are an entity of hopes, dreams and passions with a power beyond imagination. A new era of collaboration is emerging that will change everything.   No longer will stagnated minds hide in the shadows. Those whose meaningful collaboration and contributions help create a CollaborativeCi project will be among the founders of an emerging superpower that will change the world. It’s time to wake up with a new awareness. I am looking for collaborators and visionaries to support many projects, each will create a business with global potential.   Profits and future potential profits of a CollaborativeCi project will be shared with concept collaborators in a tiered manner to ensure any eliminated project collaborator has a fair piece and is further inspired by opportunity to participate in future projects. “Last Mile” collaborators will benefit the most as they will own the business with me including seats at the decision-making table.   The Aii-YOU project is currently open for collaboration. I have a vision and a plan. With the right team we could quickly and easily create something of significance. Contribute your passion and own it with me. Contact me and put CollaborativeCi in the subject line. Describe your passion and tell me how you can contribute. Wake Up. Come Home.

7737 Lundys Lane the green pool

Project 7737 -Future Major Project

The Travelodge at 7737 Lundy’s Lane Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada will be known as the birthplace of collaborative concept Intelligence (CollaborativeCi) and will become the origin of many diverse empires. Project 7737 is the first major project AND represents the birthplace of CollaborativeCi. It is razor targeted in closing an abusive loop hole in a global industry worth about 1.6 Trillion USD a year. I have a plan and a path forward but this undertaking will need practiced collaborators. Regardless of what your passion is, there is roll for any interested This represents what I call Ground Zero Event 2 and is a catalyst for my transformational mindset. GZE2 was not immediately apparent, but the fire it would eventually light in me could melt the sun. Let me just say that they probably should have just refunded me. I had to go blind to see, quite literally. Some moments you never get back It took losing my vision for me to stop. In reflection, I honestly think that it was one of the best things to ever happen to me. These experiences have changed me fundamentally, every fiber, every bone and with every breath. My focus and commitment would put John Wick to shame AND everything including the warrenleroux.ca project has fallen into an oddly beautiful line.

What's Happening in Greater Sudbury?

For Starters, it will soon be home to 2 new community delegations/advocacy groups. 1 will turn into a new business opportunity that I promise will get lots of attention, the other will be the newest Political Party in Canada. Guess who the Boss is! Thank you City Of Greater Sudbury for inspiring these amazing innovations.

Let us consider the unique nature of a red light camera violation. In such cases, the 'accused' is not a person, but an inanimate object – the vehicle. The accuser is not an officer of the law but another inanimate object - the red light camera. So, who is the real accused here? The vehicle registered to me, or the unidentified individual who was operating it? Without establishing the identity of the driver, are we not merely presuming guilt by association rather than evidence? Is it just to hold an individual accountable for an action they may not have committed, and cannot be proven to have committed? What legal principle is most valid? "Owner's liability charge" or “Presumption of Innocence until proven guilty” ???? A Red light camera can accurately take a picture of a license plate in varying weather and lighting conditions yet magically it cannot take a picture of the offender? Why? Well I’ll tell you what I think… 200BradyStreet.com is a domain name that represents the physical address of the City of Greater Sudbury Headquarters. It is a 24/7 Virtual Presence on the Steps of City Hall and represents a modernized “Venue of Peaceful Protest” AND It’s about to turn into a community. 200 Brady Street will be hereby be known as “The Red Light District”. It will be a centralized gateway and community of citizens from Canada and around the World who have their own opinions on the validity and intent of Red Light Cameras. Sudbury. Toronto,Brampton, Mississauga, Hamilton, London, Kitchener,Waterloo and Cambridge take note.

This delegation represents the citizens of the Greater City of Sudbury, the people of Ontario and eventually will become the newest political party in Canada. As of now we are a cultural community and an online advocacy group dedicated to ensuring fair and transparent governance at all levels of government within Canada. " "Our mission is to represent and advocate for the interests of the citizens of Greater Sudbury and the growing list of municipalities, townships and communities representing our membership. We will foster communication, collaboration, and understanding within our online community and the home communities of our members. Through our efforts, our influence and the expert contributions of our community members we will promote the overall wellbeing, growth, and development of our community members, by ensuring their voices are heard and have meaningful impact in relevant discussions and decisions at all levels of government within Canada" City of Sudbury, do you have any grants or incentives to support citizens groups like our community delegation who’s mandate is community wellbeing, growth and development? Also, I have a look on the City Website, but can’t find the actual form I need to table my candidacy for the next Mayoral election. The first thing I will do is fix that stupid elevated platform the Mayor sits at council meetings. This thing needs to be lowered or the other areas raised so we all sit on level fields. Also, I would fix this ‘Your Worship” crap and Mr. Mayor crap. My name is Warren and it will still be Warren when I’m Mayor. Perhaps I should start taking french class

Look at Mere all smiling !

Are you an Entrepreneur?

If you are an entrepreneur looking to hit the door running book some time with me? Wise investors may wish to speak with me now before I grow. Let's Chat

Do you need a business idea?

if you are a Greater Sudbury citizen and want to see I how I can help you earn an income based on your available time and your interests lets chat.