March 22, 2024 in Agenda Updates

Project 200 Brady Street is open for Collaboration

Choose you. Collaborate, contribute your passion as an investment and own a business

200 Brady Street is an open project.


We don’t want your money. We want your passion. is a unique venue of peaceful protest representing the phyical mailing address of Sudbury’s City Hall. We will turn this protest into a global niche business related to red light cameras and automated enforcement mechanisms with a clear focus. We will empower individuals, solve a problem or two and create magic. Be a part of the new era of Collaboration that will change the world.

Shine like you were meant too.

Here are are the immediate skillsets required for the 200 Brady Project : All postions must embrace principles. In short, collaborate with me. Own it with me.

Data analyst (just a name, someone who is well organized to can structure required information) – We have much information to gather. What eactly to gather, how to gather, how to manage

Web Developer – infrasture development, UI development, API integrations – development of required infrastructure to support necessary data collection via google workspace and related tools to ensure user and data privacy

Google Workspace and Related tools Expert: Manage related google enterprise tools and users.

WordPress Expert: To look after admin related responsibilities and overall site managment

Researchers – Gather available data related to project, categorize related data

Group Creators Admins/moderators – Need representatives from Sudbury. Toronto,Brampton, Mississauga, Hamilton, London, Kitchener,Waterloo and Cambridge to ensure these respective communities are represented to start.

Content Creators write, or otherwise create content designed to bring awareness and solidify brand.

Social Media managers: Pick a platform. We will need them all.

At this time I am all the above and more, with many other projects on the go, each with global potential. Help me help you create something you own for nothing more than your passion.

If you are interested txt me @ 7056980107 – txt “Wartoo 200” wait my reply. The goal is have an intial conversation, then schedule a video chat if warranted.




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