March 14, 2024 in Ai Image fuck ups

Stupid Ai Gave a Man Vagina

Ai image fuck ups. The man Vagina, by Warrem A Leroux

Stupid Ai gave me a man Vagina.

If you are wondering if AI image generation utilitiy designers were thinking about girls or gay love when they invented this shit? I can 100 confirm.

I’ve trained more variations of myself than I can count. Ai totally wants me to be gay. Dr. Jordan Peterson, how about weighing in?

In my experience Ai constantly wants to put fucking dresses and shit on me if I am not super specific. Side note: I’ve never, ever trained naked Warren. I am always fully clothed when I train this thing.


Here is a a couple fun fuck ups


Stupid Ai gave me another man vagina. Poor Warren Leroux, Sudbury

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