Wake Up. Come Home.
The full spectrum of me is within. My opinions, my motives, my expectations. My dreams, my experiences, my past, my present and my future. At the end of the day I’m pretty sure I need a fucking cape.

Consumption of the Dimmers
The Dimmers are thieves of energy, love and light. Particular addicts with definite preferences. They …

Box Soldiers
Box Soldiers By Warren A Leroux Our conditioning starts the day we are born. When…

Ground Zero Event 2 – The Green Pool
The Green PoolBy Warren A Leroux“Inspiration can come from the most unusual places.” "Ground Zero…

The day my wife died the modern work place persisted in texting and calling me…

I had to go blind to see, quite literally
THIS IS HOW MY STORY BEGINS… I had to go blind to see, quite literally. Some…

The Shrinkage of Unsure
The Shrinkage of Unsure by Warren. A Leroux You have one life changing revelation that…