Play Video about a screenshot of warren leroux from sudbury ontario on his website

Years B to B Sales/Account Management Experience

Technology Sales in various forms. My customers rocked. It is you all that I miss most. Met some seriously smart folks and of course a few dicks. Knock Knock. T.A.R.P (Tiny Agrogant Red Penis) you still kickin?


Desire To work to live, but will work my ass off like no other for what I love.

Aii- You is a Warren Leroux inovation in Passion-Driven opportunity Matching with a focus on aligning personal passions with organizational/customer goals. Do something you love. We are all meant for more.


Stories to Tell and Lessons learned

Many hours staring blanky at Blender, a hundred almost 3D me's. Countless hours wanting to punch Adobe Illustrator in the face, Ai Voice and image generation horror stories, Ghosted by a room of data scientists and more!