Aii-Warren is my personal business agent powered by the world's greatest Artificial Intelligence infrastructure. My self promotional agent was trained on my skills and experience, dreams and ambitions and was intended as a creative way for me to stand out from the crowd.

I am the happiest person I know. How many can say that?

It's me and You

True Personal services. We will know each others names

Add your quirks

Let your personality and creativity shine

Aii-You Is Powerful

You will have capabilities only limited by your imagination


Want to kick doors down with Ai? Lets chat.


A new way of doing things. A power beyond measure

Chat with Aii-Warren

My Aii-You. See my Rock Star in action


Contribute your Passion as an Investment

You don't need money to start a business. When like minds and Passion drive you ANYTHING is possible

90 % Of Human Brilliance is Sleeping!!

Most of us don’t have 10, 20, 50 or 100K to start a business.  Most of us need to work to support ourselves. How much time is left when you work full time and have a family? Should your dreams die because you have to live? Sadly, for most of humanity this is how it works. Brilliant ideas are dropped and die at dinner tables, around campfires and out of dreams.. Lack of time, lack of resources. The frustration of unrealized dreams leads to stagnation, that is the “something missing”  within us. We were meant for more.  Over 90% of us Work, Sleep, Eat,  Repeat just to live. Do you understand what that means? 

Over 90% of human brilliance has no way to manifest. Can you imagine where we would be as a species  if this sleeping brilliance was released? I can.

There is a solution, an emerging entity of great power. Collaborative Concept Intelligence. I call it CollaborativeCi. It is conceptual at the moment, but my end goal is to create it. Register if you are open to coming together to create something beautiful.