My Products/ Services

Each product or service that I provide is here because it aligns with my personal dreams and passions. As I am an authentic person I can promise that each and every one you who support me now will benefit in ways you most certainly won’t expect. My sincere thank you.

Customized Learning. Group, Individual. Online or In person. Put the fun back in learning and take your interests to the next level

Security System Consulting.

Don’t be taken for granted. Before you ask an Integrator for a quote let me help you assemble your true needs and true requirements. It’s much easier to ask suppliers for a quote when you present them all with quoting requirements, an apples to apples plan. Do you need 1 or 10 cameras? Do you really need that extra door secured? Each security integrator will have their own opinions and present you with quotes based on them. . I will also guarantee that individual quotes you received will be inconsistent in equipment. In quantity and in quality. Too often people or businesses utilize existing relationships to make recommendations relying on nothing more than trust. Often this loyalty is rewarded in ways that do not necessarily benefit you or your organization. Let my 12 years of security solution development help you or your business come up with a plan that is modern and reflects the true needs of your business. I will provide you with an assessment, a recommendation and a list of equipment that you can present to any security integrator to ensure that each quote you receive is based on your actual requirements and is consistent based on your predetermined needs. I do not sell security equipment but I can prepare you or your organization to engage meaningful, and informed conversations with multiple suppliers ensuring that you will get the best price, best service and best results from your security integrator. I offer a free 30 minute, no obligation, zero cost initial consultation via video chat. Should you be interested in my consultation, my plan and my suggested solutions we can take it from there. In most cases, my services will be under $500 for business and $99 for individuals. Book a consultation today and let's save you some money.