What's On My Mind?
The general reaction I get when I tell people that my end goal is to do everything I can to contribute to the betterment of humanity is one of awkward silence, smirks and genuine disbelief.
When I step down the rabbit hole a little deeper and tell people my end goal is to do my part to wake the sleeping brilliance of humanity and empower humankind’s magnificence that awkward silence transitions to something else entirely.
To that, I will simply say my agenda is a road that provides me with an opportunity to contribute in small ways to my end goals. I choose me. I choose the pursuit of my passion. I pursue recognition of the moments in life. Things that most people take for granted I relish as earthly pleasures, like warming my hands on a fire, or scratching an itch. This choice of self is not an easy road, in fact it is hands down the hardest thing I have ever done, but I continue to do it with butterflies and belly tingles every single day. I am truthfully the happiest person I know.
Like most of us I do need an income to support my family. As such I am for hire in a number of capacities. As passion alone doesn’t pay the bills I would also consider working for you if the opportunity is in alignment with my Interests. Feel free to speak to Aii-Warren, my personal business representative to get some insights. My Ai agent is trained on my personal data so I think you will find the conversation insightful and cool.
200BradyStreet is a transformative digital platform championing transparency, accountability, and innovation within local governance worldwide. At its core, the platform centralizes and visualizes crucial data—starting with automated enforcement tickets (red light and speed cameras) and expanding into municipal bylaws and Freedom of Information (FOI) requests—empowering communities, driving informed public discourse, and unlocking multiple scalable revenue streams.